Devotion • April 11

Thursday, April 11, 2024  

Today's Hymn
“Lord Jesus, Think on Me”

Lord Jesus, think on me, nor let me go astray.
Through darkness and perplexity point thou the heavenly way.

Lord Jesus, think on me, that, when this life is past,
I may the eternal brightness see, and share thy joy at last.

by Synesius of Cyrene
Hymn 417, Glory to God
verse 3–4 


This hymn text was written by Synesius of Cyrene, who was born in Libya around the year 373 and lived until about 414. After living in some of the great cities of his time — Athens, Alexandria, and Constantinople — he returned to Libya to become a bishop in 410, when this hymn text was written. It was also around 410 that Synesius began facing many challenges: he did not want to become a bishop, two sons died in 411 and a third in 413, and there were constant military invasions of his homeland. The words of this hymn have added significance knowing the turmoil the author was enduring at the time it was written.

Pastor and author Steven Charleston wrote, “Do we control situations or do they control us: that is the question. There are many times when we feel things are beyond our influence. But there is always one thing we can control: ourselves. Even when things are bad, we have not lost our spiritual balance, because whatever happens we can always control how we react. And because we are believers, that reaction is under the protection of a power greater than any fear.”

We all face challenges like Synesius did: what are we to do with our lives, the loss of loved ones, the threat of aggressive enemies. The question for all of us is how to respond in the face of challenges.

Synesius gave up so much to become a bishop, and in this hymn, he asked God for help. As believers, we can all ask God for help and put our trust in that help. God will never let us go, because when God created the heavens, and the earth God said it was good. And when God sent Jesus into the world, he proclaimed a message of love for everyone.

That love for every person is the fullest response we can make to God’s love for us. Love is what will bring heaven and earth together; love from God will bring true brightness and joy here on earth this very day.

Loving God, help me to always put my trust in you. No matter what challenges I may face, I know that you love me, hold me, and will guide me. Amen.

Written by John W. W. Sherer, Organist and Director of Music

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