Prayers of the People

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Offered by Adam H. Fronczek, Associate Pastor

Gracious Lord, you call us into your house this morning,
     and we have come.
We have come because we marvel at the miracles of your creation
     and must give thanks.
We have come because we are broken by the misery that surrounds us,
     and we must cry to you for help.
Sometimes we come out of habit or responsibility or indecision,
     unsure about whether we will see your face today.
But we have come, Lord, each in our own way, so meet us here.

“Seek the strength of the Lord; seek the Lord continually,” says the psalm.

God, in ancient times you gave food in abundance to your people.
Feed us as well.
Sustain us when we are weak.
When you find us low, lift us up.
Our bodies are prone to disease and our minds are prone to illness;
our emotions are prone to depression.
Lift us up, Lord.
Give us courage in the midst of that which we cannot control,
and make us humble enough to find our strength in you.

“Seek the strength of the Lord; seek the Lord continually,” says the psalm.

Often, O Lord, we have looked to ourselves for strength rather than to you.
You deliver life and abundance to your world enough for us all,
but we ignore your abundance,
and when we look to ourselves we find fear.
We are afraid of not having enough, of losing it all,
and so we forget to share, or we take more than our share.
We have seen fear in the faces of those who have lost jobs
or are afraid of losing them.
Help us to turn to you, Lord,
for here there is no need to fear, for you will sustain us.
The doors of your house stay open,
here there is life, and abundance.

“Seek the strength of the Lord; seek the Lord continually,” says the psalm.

We know that there is much we cannot control.
Nature can be relentless.
We ask for your presence in the midst of hurricanes and floods,
bombings and threats on the streets of our cities.
In the midst of these uncertainties, help us to live without fear;
help us to live in hope.
For there are good uncertainties in life,
reminders that in trusting you there is great joy to be found.
We are often gladdened by the compassion shown by family and friends;
we are often struck by heroism and bravery found in unlikely places;
we are often unprepared at the moment when love comes,
lifting us from low places,
granting us new life.
Lord, help us to know that you are present in these places as well;
help us to seek you there.
Help us to know that even in the times when you feel farthest away from us,
you are as close as ever.
You will not leave us.
Your hand will hold us fast.
May we recognize the good and the holy wherever it finds us.
May we be fed by your presence in the morning and in the evening,
and may we know that you are God.
May we find bread from heaven in all places where bread is shared.
May we seek the Lord and be given strength.
May we seek the Lord continually.
May we seek the Lord in the words Jesus Christ taught us, Our Father . . .

Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church


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