Prayers of the People

Veterans Day, Sunday, November 11, 2012
Offered by Calum I. MacLeod, Executive Associate Pastor

We praise you living God, provider and sustainer of our lives, through whose word is created all that lives and moves and has being.

We praise you Jesus Christ, son of the loveliest Mary, friend of the friendless, liberator of the shackled, who in life and in death identified with our humanity; who in rising reconciled us to God and to each other; who in ascending is our loyal advocate and merciful judge, omnipotent to save.

We praise you Holy Spirit, God above us, below us, within us, around us; our guide and teacher and comforter.

Three in One, One yet Three, hear our praises and draw near to us as we offer our prayers of gratitude and concern for the world.

We are conscious that this eleventh day of the eleventh month holds meaning for those affected by war. We hear the words of our Lord that “no one has greater love than to lay down their life for a friend,” so hear us as we commemorate and commend to you those who lived and died in the service of others during the wars which remain in human memory.

We hear the familiar words “They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old” and recognize that among us are those who saw service and those who still mourn the loss of family, friend, comrade. And so now in silence, we remember and give thanks for those who died in the defense of justice, freedom, and peace.

Bless this nation, Lord, and give wisdom and compassion to those set in authority over us.

Bless the soldiers, sailors, and air force personnel. Defend them in danger and guide them to serve the cause of peace in your name.

Bless our young people: may they never see the flames of war or know the depths of cruelty to which humanity can sink.

We pray for the cities and nations that still know war, division, bigotry, and hate. Bring near the day when all people will live in peace and in the knowledge of your love.

Bless our friends and those who were our enemies; comfort those who mourn loved ones today.

And now, rejoicing in the communion of saints, we remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of your presence and give you thanks for those whom we have known, whose memory we treasure, and at the last grant that we, being faithful till death, may receive with them the crown that never fades, through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose own words we further pray and say together, Our Father . . .

Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church


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