Prayers of the People

April 9, 2023
Easter Sunday

Offered by Nanette Sawyer, Associate Pastor

Let us pray for the church, the world, and all in need, saying,
God in your mercy, (people) hear our prayer.

With joy, we pray for all Christian assemblies united this morning at the empty tomb. Help us see you, O God, in those we do not expect to encounter, and remove all fear from our hearts. God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

With humility, we pray for this planet, our home. Heal what we have scarred and broken; renew the face of earth from north to south, from east to west, so that your creation may speak to us of your goodness.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

With hope and love, we pray for the nations of the world, especially those places overwhelmed by war and conflict. By the light of the resurrection, destroy the shroud that is cast over all who live under dictatorship, in the clutches of propagandists, and in ignorance. Bless peacemakers who work to bring justice to their country, city, village, and household.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

With compassion, wipe away the tears of all who weep. Give us the spiritual tools we need to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort those who are in any trouble. Send your angels to watch over the vulnerable and sick.
God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

With fondness we remember those who saw our risen Lord and witnessed to his resurrection so that we might have faith. May their words and deeds inspire us to sing our “Alleluia!” again and again.

God in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious and ever-living God, we commend into your hands, all for whom we pray, lifting up the prayers of our mouths and the silent prayers of our hearts.

And joining our voices with the voice of Jesus Christ, we pray as he taught us, saying, Our Father …

Adapted from Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year B, vol. 1


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