Prayers of the People

September 24, 2023

Offered by Nanette Sawyer, Associate Pastor

God of unending mercy and steadfast love, we are grateful that you are slow to anger, for there is much in this world that is wrong and set against your purposes.

Overcome our many injustices with your justice; overtake our lust for revenge with your great mercy. We pray for nations locked in enmity to be set free from old patterns and to embrace a new way of relating.

We pray for people who wield economic power to take notice of those whom you notice and to have compassion for those who are vulnerable. We pray for day laborers and the unemployed and those experiencing homelessness.

Inspire us who have enough to share what we have, not in measured and resentful amounts, but gladly, abundantly, so basic needs do not go unattended. Gather up the first and the last, the least and the greatest, in the common work of your realm until there is no more first or last at all, for all are one in your name.

Help us all to see not only your grace at work in the world, but also your humor at work among us, the holy laughter that heals us and helps us see ourselves rightly.

We thank you for the privilege of believing in Christ, of living in Christ, and of living for Christ. In all things, at all times, we give thanks to you, who never lets us go; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who taught us to pray, Our Father …


With minor adaptations from Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 2, pp. 172–173 and based on Psalm 145:8; Jonah 4:2; Matthew 20:3–7, 16; Philippians 1:29.

Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church


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