Devotion • December 10

Saturday, December 10, 2022  

Today’s Scripture Reading
John 1:6–9

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. (NRSV)


John is sent by God to tell the people of the coming of Jesus; the true light of the world. The scripture emphasizes that John is not Jesus, not the light, but John is chosen by God to be the messenger of this most amazing news. 

God entrusts John to testify to the coming of Jesus.

One of the silver linings of the pandemic was witnessing how communities came together to honor the vital work of healthcare professionals and first responders. Also recognized were the essential workers: gocery store staff, truck drivers, bus drivers, and sanitation workers. There was a renewed respect and appreciation for ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

As Christians, we witness to the living Christ by and through our choices and by how we treat each other. We enact the love of Christ by recognizing in others that spark of divine creativity that lights up each soul with a unique and God-given purpose.

John is sent by God to testify to the coming of Jesus. This Advent season, as I wait for the light of the world to be born, what might I do to witness to the miraculous gift of Jesus, sent by God to live among us, sent by God to save us all?

What might you do?

Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.


Holy God, you loved your children so much that you gave us Jesus, born in human likeness but of you. Grant me clarity and guidance this Advent season, so that I might do my part to testify to the saving grace of Jesus. Give me courage, God, to go where you lead me, and to walk in the light of your son, my savior. Amen. 

Written by Holly O’Mara, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church

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