Devotion • December 4

Monday, December 4, 2023  

Today’s Hymn

On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
announces that the Lord is nigh;
awake and hearken, for he brings
glad tidings of the King of kings!

Then cleansed be every life from sin;
make straight the way for God within,
and let us all our hearts prepare
for Christ to come and enter there.


Charles Coffin’s “On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry”
(tune: Winchester New)
trans. John Chandler
from Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal


When I served as a pastor with children in a suburban Presbyterian church, I often described Advent as a time to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus on Christmas Day. One year we even made tiny mangers, and the children went home eager to add a cotton ball every time they did something loving. We brainstormed actions the kids could take — they suggested “bake Christmas cookies, sing a song, clean up after dinner for my parents.”

All good ideas, but when we got to the bottom of the flipchart, there was still one boy frantically waving his hand to be called upon. Doug, a great kid with many developmental challenges, spoke last, and he simply said: “Have hope.”

I added his words to the page and concluded that there was nothing more to say. “Have hope.” Without hope, none of these activities matter.

Perhaps this is why we begin Advent by lighting a candle for hope. Before we can fully experience the season’s blessings, we must have hope. We must believe that “cleansed be every life from sin” applies to us — that we can grow and change into more loving humans. And then we extend that hope outward, confident that others can change too.

The Bible sometimes describes people as having “hard hearts.” I imagine that many of those who trekked to the Jordan River to hear John the Baptist did so hoping that God would help them change, breaking down the tough exterior shells of their hearts. To prepare our hearts “for Christ to come and enter,” we can also ask God for tender hearts, ready to welcome Jesus and to extend his love to a world in need of hope.

Loving God, help me have hope! Soften my heart so that I may prepare to welcome Jesus. Amen.

Written by Amy Pagliarella, Parish Associate for Caring Ministries

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