Devotion • December 21

Thursday, December 21, 2023  

Today’s Hymn

O Lord, how shall I meet you,
how welcome you aright?
Your people long to greet you,
my hope, my heart’s delight!
O kindle, Lord most holy,
a lamp within my breast,
to do in spirit lowly
all that may please you best.


Paul Gerhardt’s “O Lord, How Shall I Meet You”
trans. Catherine Winkworth et. al.
from Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal


Advent is one of my favorite seasons of our church year, filled with so many beautiful traditions. One of my favorites is the lighting of the Advent candles every Sunday, a tradition that we follow not only at church but also at home.

While we wait for the birth of Jesus, the true light of the world, I often wonder what ways we show that light to each other. It is so easy for us to get caught up in end-of-year parties, holiday concerts, school programs, shopping, and all of the hustle and bustle that comes with this season. Sadly, it’s so easy to lose track of the true purpose of Advent: taking time to prepare for the arrival of Jesus.

I’ve been thinking about people in my everyday life that show me this light: the crossing guard not far from our home who always stops to ask my daughter and me how things have been going in our lives; the bus driver that drives a little bit past the actual bus stop to drop me off, putting me a little closer to home on orchestra rehearsal nights when I’m hauling my cello with me (that little bit makes a big difference when carrying a cello!); the wonderful friends who will listen to a good long venting session about even the silliest little thing that may be bothering me.

I’m grateful for the light of Jesus that I see in moments of my day. As we prepare and wait for the birth of Jesus, what are ways we can show his light to others?

Loving God, as we wait during this Advent season for the birth of the true light, help us to slow down and notice the light that we receive from others, even in the simplest of deeds. Remind me to also be a beacon of that light, spreading it to those that I encounter throughout my day. Amen.

Written by Briana Belding-Peck, Family Ministry Coordinator

Reflection and Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church

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