Devotion • February 20

Tuesday, February 20, 2024  

Today's Hymn
“We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight”

Help then, O Lord, our unbelief;
and may our faith abound
to call on you when you are near
and seek where you are found.

And when our life of faith is done,
in realms of clearer light
may we behold you as you are,
with full and endless sight.

by Henry Alford
Hymn 166, Glory to God
verses 3–4


For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face.

Two literature classes stand out in memory for me. The first covered utopian literature — an eagerly anticipated subject that brimmed with possibility. Surely the assigned books would exemplify success, excellence, the best of human accomplishments, right? Wrong! The theme woven through those books was one of failure. Woe to any persons who planned the “perfect” human society or a heaven on earth; they and their social movements would be consumed by threats, falsehood, power struggles, resource depletion — in short, disaster.

The subject of the second class, years later, was prison literature — not a first choice. Dreaded, even. Surely this class would echo those dismal moods of utopian literature. Wrong again, because what emerged from the darkness of prison stories were reassurances of hope and human endurance. Of finding novel ways to communicate. Of playing chess inside one’s mind. Of building mental strength amid physical pain. Of retaining one’s highest values amid relentless humiliation. Of faith.

The prison stories were powerful, also, because they spoke to a time beyond the present time. Everyday heroes stood out because they set sights on a better place, a liberation, a life free of shackles or constraints. And even if freedom was denied, they hewed to their values nonetheless. They. Had. Faith. And isn’t this the message of today’s hymn verses?

Because in this hymn the ultimate aim of our faithful walk is the unseen sight — that is, the better vision gained when we see the Holy in realms of clearer light. It is faith that carries us along, faith that corrects our unbelief, faith that pulls us closer to God, faith that we ourselves must strengthen through our daily practice of … faith.

Lord, we cherish the life you have given us. Inspire us to use our lives to seek you where you are found, to call on you when you are near, and to live each day faithfully in your grace, knowing that when we cast our crowns before thee, we will see our reward face to face. Amen.

Written by Sarah Forbes Orwig, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church

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