Devotion • March 4

Monday, March 4, 2024  

Today's Hymn
“Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us”

Savior, like a shepherd lead us;
much we need your tender care.
In your pleasant pastures feed us;
for our use your fold prepare.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
you have bought us: we are yours.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
you have bought us: we are yours.

by Dorothy Ann Thrupp
Hymn 187, Glory to God
verse 1


This hymn starts with the word Savior. What an appropriate word for Lent, leading to Easter when we worship the risen Savior: Christ is risen. But then the hymn humanizes God and Christ the Savior by noting Christ as our earthy “shepherd” is not just an abstract idea of salvation.

We as fallible, fragile humans need the Savior’s tender care, feeding us and keeping us in the fold with other sheep in God’s care. This care means we are part of God’s creation which feeds us. The spiritual and material go together. Indeed, the material is within the spiritual. Jesus, the blessed, blesses us. We belong to God and are never alone. The risen Savior keeps us always rising in God’s presence and kingdom.

Christ has bought us. He paid the price, far beyond our ability to pay or repay. We need only accept God’s grace.

Dear God, thank you for your Son, our Savior, through whom you care for us and give us eternal life as your sheep. Thank you for helping us see we belong to you, rising with you through Christ's and our resurrection, in your kingdom. Amen.

Written by Michael Kazanjian, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church

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