Devotion • April 23

Tuesday, April 23, 2024  

Today's Hymn
“Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart”

I ask no dream, no prophet ecstasies,
no sudden rending of the veil of clay,
no angel visitant, no opening skies;
but take the dimness of my soul away

by George Croly
Hymn 688, Glory to God
verse 2


Last year I had the privilege of vacationing in beautiful Ireland, where the author of the words to this hymn, George Croly, was born. Ireland is filled with what could be described as “thin places” — places of beauty where one can feel closer to God. For example, walking along the majestic Cliffs of Moher, windblown with intermittent bursts of sun through clouds, looking out at the sparkling North Atlantic Ocean, I felt closer to God and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Yet in verse two of this hymn, Croly is appealing to the more subtle ways we encounter God. He is saying that we don’t need majestic signs, vivid dreams, descending angels, or huge storms to awaken us to God’s presence. We can find God in everyday, common things.

I am particularly drawn to the line “but take the dimness of my soul away.” It makes me chuckle to contemplate how pejorative the word woke has become. It has been turned into a political barb, as in “You’re so woke.” Well, the opposite is asleep! Or having a dim soul.

I don’t want that. I want God to take the dimness of my soul away. I want to be awake to God’s presence in every area of my life, even in the dull, boring aspects of it. I don’t want to have to be in a thin place or struck by a bolt of lightning to feel close to God. And I want to be awake enough to see the beauty of God in everything and everyone.

Majestic God, you have created beauty and places where we can feel close to you. You also give us quiet, calm, and plain. Awaken me to your presence in every aspect of my life, and help me to see you in everything and everyone. Amen.

Written by Anthony Hipp, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church

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